Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pitstops of Life

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

Formula One Racers face each championship match knowing that somewhere along the race, they are not invincible. Even if they are driving the top of the line race cars, they cannot avoid and would need to go through “Pit Stops”.

When I got back to Manila end of June 2007, coming from about a month long spiritual rejuvenation from the Global Proclamation Academy (GPA) in Dallas, USA, I got myself quickly into the thick of the action of ministry life.

Second week of July 2007, my wife and I brought our lovely daughter for check-up due to cough and colds. Hannah’s doctor diagnosed her with asthma, which brought about a big shock to us as parents. The next two weeks was the toughest time we had as parents. Hannah had fever in the evenings and she would have difficulty breathing. We would wrestle with her so she would take her medicines and even inhale through the nebulizer. There was one specific evening that I watched her in pain that I prayed to the Lord that if it would be possible, let me exchange places with her. Then and only then did I realize how deep God’s love is for us, His children, whenever we face painful circumstances in life.

Aileen and I prayed for our daughter like we never prayed before. We found ourselves even in tears for more than a few instances.

Praise be to God, He answered prayers and healed Hannah from her cough, colds and fever. We are trusting God that her asthma would be completely healed by Him, who alone has total control of everything that happens in and around us.

This Pit Stop in our family life brought us closer as a couple to one another, to our daughter and to our dear Heavenly Father, who deserves all praise for calling us to run the race and to wait upon Him during the Pit Stops of Life!

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