Tuesday, October 30, 2007

`07 Wonders of God

"Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders You have done. The things You planned for us no one can recount to You; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare." (Psalm 40:5)

Few months ago, Seven (7) new Wonders of the World were shown in many local headlines. Yet, have you ever taken notice of the “seven” (2007) Wonders of God in your life? Well, one of the great blessing of God in my life occurred last June 4-23, 2007 when I was selected as a delegate to the Global Proclamation Academy (GPA) 2007!

GPA is on its third year now and was born out of a vision & calling of Dr. Ramesh Richard, a faculty of Dallas Seminary & President of Ramesh Richard Evangelism & Church Health (RReach). His passion is to evangelize opinion leaders & strengthen pastoral leaders globally. 26 young pastors, 1 from each country, from 4 different continents were brought together for a once-in-a-lifetime, ministry-defining moment in the historic campus of Dallas Theological Seminary for 3 weeks of intensive pastoral training.

The Lord has uniquely bonded all twenty-six (26) of us & we instantly became friends! Daily, we heard amazing testimonies of God’s mighty works through personal testimonies & ministry highlights. During weekdays, we learned from the likes of Dr. Robert Coleman (author of The Master Plan of Evangelism), Dr. Howard Hendricks (one of the finest professors of Dallas Theological Seminary), Dr. Charles Ryrie (author of the Ryrie Study Bible), Dr. Mark Bailey (President of Dallas Theological Seminary), Dr. Norman Geisler (world renowned Christian apologist) & so much more! During weekends, we stayed with host families, who toured us around Dallas, took us shopping & brought us to their churches.

This Wonder of God in my life is a monument of how great & awesome our God is, who never ceases to reveal His greatness in ways we can never imagine!

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