Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Glimpse of the Harvestfield

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" (Romans 10:14)

Stories of great Christian Missionaries (Hudson Taylor, William Carrey, Jim Elliot, etc.) are usually archived in many libraries of Bible Schools and Seminaries. Wouldn't it be nice to meet one of them today face to face? I had one encounter last month.

Bro. Kynsai and I became friends and co-workers when he was a student at the International School of Theology - Asia (ISOT) from 1998 to 2000. He assisted me in the Youth Ministry when I was Youth Pastor of Quezon City Evangelical Church. We were also part of an Iron-Sharpening Group or discipleship group in ISOT and even went to Nepal together for Professional Internship.

Right after his graduation from ISOT, he launched out as a missionary among the Tibetan Buddhists. He labored hard for a number of years, learning the Tibetan language, translating one of the gospels and some discipleship materials into Tibet language and reaching the lost, eagerly waiting for his first fruit of the harvest field.

After almost five (5) years, seeing no single person turn to Christ, he and his wife planned to pack up their belongings, leave the place and move to another mission field. Yet, something miraculous and unexpected happened! A Tibetan Buddhist monk who travelled from his country, crossing the Himalayan mountains by foot, came to him telling him that he read his translations about Christianity and would like to know more about Jesus!

Amazingly, after a number of years of discipleship with Bro. Kynsai, this monk decided to believe in Jesus and even committed to be a servant of Jesus for life! His decision to follow Jesus was not an easy route cause he received a letter from his religious leader encouraging him to return to their faith. His parents, family members and close friends have forsaken him and even some have threatened to kill him because of his decision to follow Jesus.

Last September 9-12, 2007, Bro. Kynsai came to Manila to visit friends. My family and I had the opportunity to meet him and his disciple. We heard their stories first hand and our hearts were so blessed to see that God still actively works, sometimes in marvelous ways, to bring the harvest into His kingdom!


edward said...

I just finished my devotion for today. The text is Matthew 13:53-58. It is really inspiring to hear such news. Moreso, when God so arranges things so that one gets messages that jibe with each other, or rather support each other. I don't think this is a coincidence. It is God working. God bless!

Unknown said...

Nice blog site, bro. Hope you can put some pictures here, too. God bless. PB


congrats on your new site! keep it up! God bless!! u may want to visit mine also...

ojie said...

were blessed Neil! Ojie

tina cacal said...

Hello Pastor Neil! Tina Cacal here. Thanks for emailing us your blog site. God bless you and the "CAFE" ministry.