Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Miracles of Faith

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" (Matthew 6:26)

Do miracles still happen today? Oftentimes, miracles are viewed as extra-ordinary events that are beyond the norm. The Bible shows that miracles happen when God acts supernaturally while men believe in what God promises in unexpected circumstances. The Lord Jesus said, "For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37) Yes, God still performs miracles today! It may be easy for anyone to believe this, but it's not something people expect to happen daily in one’s life. Yet, it can happen to anyone ... like what He did to my family.

When God called me last April 3, 1993 to follow Him as a Full-Time Christian worker, I initially struggled and hesitated. As a Manufacturing Engineering on-the-job trainee in Nestlé Philippines, I was offered a job by the Chief Engineer about a year before I graduated from college. One Nestlé Factory Technical Trainee mentioned to me that thousands upon thousands apply for every single job opening in that company. I told the Lord, "If I follow you, where will I get my finances to provide for my family ... if I'll have a family someday?"

Today, fourteen years after, God blessed me with a family and He has miraculously provided for all our needs … Before Aileen and I got married last April 10, 2005, my mom offered to pay off my wedding expenses. Yet, God spoke to my heart and told me that if I'm already living a life of faith, why can't I trust Him to provide for my wedding? So I humbly told her, "Mom, I won't use that money. I'll trust God to provide for my wedding expenses."

Eventually, we got married in Cebu, went to Bantayan Island for honeymoon, accompanied by family and friends from all over the world and had dinner reception in Manila. Through it all, God miraculously provided!

Two months before we got married, the Lord led Aileen to join me in living a life of faith. She resigned as Chief Occupational Therapist of the Rehabilitation Department of Metropolitan Hospital. Incidentally, the University of Sto. Tomas (UST) awarded Aileen for three straight years as the Best Occupational Therapy (O.T.) Clinical Supervisor among all the hospitals and centers that UST O.T. Interns got their training from.

Two months after we got married, God called Aileen to study in the International School of Theology (ISOT-Asia) and take the Partners in Ministry (PIM) program, which was designed to train Pastor's wife. I raised funds for her tuition but nobody responded. By faith, Aileen enrolled and praise be to God, a classmate unexpectedly but miraculously supported her entire tuition fee all throughout her two years of classes until her graduation six months ago!

When Aileen found out that she's pregnant sometime in July of 2006, we asked a Christian doctor to refer us to an OB-GYNE. We just walked in the doctor's clinic and amazingly, Aileen's Christian OB never charged her any fees all throughout her check-ups! Eventually, Hannah was born six months ago at St. Luke's Medical Center, which is one of the prime and expensive hospitals in the country. Miraculously, Aileen's OB once again offered her services for free! To top it all, Hannah's Christian Pediatrician likewise did not ask for any doctor's fee! May the Lord bless their generous heart!

As a church planter and missionary pastor of Christian Agape Fellowship (CAFÉ) for the past five years, I did not receive nor accept any support or salary from the church. CAFÉ is composed predominantly of college students and fresh graduates. The Lord gave me the strength and faith to trust Him to provide for me. Miraculously, God provides in magnificent and wonderful ways I can't imagine!

Many more stories can be narrated but one theme is crystal clear ... "A Life of Faith is supernaturally miraculous!" We dedicate our lives and miracles to God and hope that all glory be given to Him, who is the author and finisher of our faith! May you likewise grow in your faith in Him and experience the miracles that He freely bestows upon those who deeply trusts Him and daily live on the promises of His Word!

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