Monday, March 29, 2010

Total Recall

The Recall...

Fresh as it was in my memories, it happened like it was just yesterday ... It was the last week of March, sometime seventeen years ago in 1993 ... I was in my second month then, as an On-The-Job (OJT) Trainee of Nestle Philippines, and also in my final year as an engineering student of De La Salle University - Manila.

During lunch break, I was having a relaxing conversation with the Milks Division Manager.  He asked me a probing question, “Neil, do you want to work here, after you graduate?” ... Without hesitation, I said, “Of course, sir! This is my dream company....”

Surprisingly, he commented, “Keep up your good performance! The chief engineer has been mentioning about you during managers meeting.” I was speechless ... but deep down in my heart, I was rejoicing…

What Call?!

Immediately the week after, I took a week off from training in the factory, to join our church’s family conference. We were watching the Jesus Film, when the Lord asked Peter to throw the nets into the other side of the sea. Peter hesitated, but said, “We worked hard all night and caught nothing, but because you say so ...” He threw the nets and behold, tons and tons of fish jumped into the nets!

God spoke to my heart and said, “Neil, do you want to get rich?” In my heart I realized that if the Lord performed the same miracle everyday to fishermen, like Peter, they can be instant millionaires! Yet the Lord told Peter, “Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” In my heart, I wondered ... “Is God calling me to ‘literally’ follow Him and be one of the ‘fishers of men’?” Perhaps not ... and hopefully not...

Call Waiting...

During the bonfire that night, I had a conversation with my pastor. He challenged me to submit my future to the Lord and let Him decide what He wants me to be ... whether it be as an engineer or as a missionary or as a pastor... Looking back, it dawned on me that it ought to be God’s call. Yet, deep in my heart, I still don’t want to relinquish my dreams...

I knew the invitation from God was clear, “Come, follow Me.” Yet, my response was, “Let me first...”  just like the disciple who rejected God’s call. I was waiting for God’s validation, but God was waiting for my confirmation ... to His call! I proceeded to my room, and at about 1:03AM of April 3, 1993, I knelt before the Lord ... submitting to Him my heart, my life and my future. Sure enough, I said “yes” to His call and as I stood up, God gave me a firm conviction of His call. 

Refreshing as it is to recall His call for my life, I pray that we all may discern intently, respond promptly, follow immediately, and fulfill His call for each of our lives!

“And in this regard we pray for you always, that our God will make you worthy of his calling and fulfill by his power your every desire for goodness and every work of faith, that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12, NET)

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