Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Shaking the Earth in 2008

“I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,” says the Lord Almighty. (Haggai 2:7)

Earth Shakers (ES) had a Membership Meeting last January 27, 2008 at the Burger King in Welcome Rotonda, attended by 24 Youths with the intent of planning for the activities for the first half of 2008.

Anna Crestelle Pedrosa (ES Secretary) gave a presentation of the organization's past events for 2007. Aimeeh Lim (ES President) reminded the group of the ES Vision & Mission Statement. Melody Yu (ES Treasurer) showed the members the proposed activities for the year 2008. Three Work Groups were formed, each led by an ES Officer as Project Heads and assisted by Christian Agape Fellowship (CAFÉ) Pastors as Group Advisers.

Melody Yu is the Project Head of the Community Outreach, which will be held among kids of poor fishermen in Talaba, Cavite on March 1, 2008. This is in partnership with Talaba Kiddy Learning Center and Talaba Community Church, which were established by Mission Ministries Philippines. Earth Shakers will be presenting a skit "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" with the goal of teaching these kids the value of Honesty. ES Members will help raise funds to give the kids school supplies and some gift items.

Kathryn Ann Tan (ES Public Relations Officer) is the Project Head for the "Solving the People Puzzle" Camp to be held at the Rizal Recreation Center on April 26-27, 2008. The goal is to help youths discover their God-given personality and appreciate and understand the strengths and weaknesses of other people's personalities. "Solving the People Puzzle" is a seminar material of the WorldTeach Ministries Philippines.

Crest Pedrosa is the Project Head of the Habitat for Humanity building project. The goal of this event is to assist in building homes for the homeless and this will be held on June 29, 2008.

Other Events of the Earth Shakers for the second part of 2008 are as follows:

Sports Tournament (August 08)

Earth Shakers Anniversary (October 08)

Orphanage Visit (December 08)

We hope and pray that Earth Shakers as an Organization will truly "Shake the Earth! Make a Difference!" in 2008.

We, Earth Shakers, are a New Breed of Youth that makes a long and lasting Impact in our Society for Jesus.

Earth Shakers exist as a movement of ...
Values Formation
Character Transformation
National Reformation

To shake our circle of influence by making an indelible mark in their lives & influencing them towards re-shaping a reformed earth.

Core Values
We aim: to add value to the lives of our members.
We aim: to add character to the lives of our members.
We aim: to help our members become influencers to their circle of friends.

Earth Shakers is a Ministry of CAFÉ.