Sunday, September 6, 2009

Home away from Home

"Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household," (Ephesians 2:19)

All throughout our lives on earth, we have always considered Philippines as our country, residence and home. For the past four years of our marriage, our apartment along the busy high-way that leads to the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) has been our place of rest and humble abode.

Few months ago, the Lord surprised and awed us by blessing us with scholarship to study at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS). So, we began preparations to temporarily leave home. This bitter sweet experience has been quite a difficult moment for us as we bid “goodbyes” to family, church and friends.

After a very tiring move out of all our belongings, we rushed to fly out of Manila nearly past the midnight of July 21st, and safely moved in to our new apartment at Swiss Tower, just across the DTS campus. With about barely a month before the DTS Fall Semester began, we had the wonderful opportunity of meeting new friends from all over the world.

This semester at DTS has merged in about 20 new international students and about 200 new students from all over USA. The entire student population at the Dallas campus numbers close to about 1,300 students, inclusive of about 150 international students. Another 500 students are enrolled on-line & in other satellite campuses. Interestingly, DTS graduates are ministering to about 191 countries all over the world. We praise God for leading us to our new home for the next year and a half!

My DTS classes began August 24th as I engaged in about six subjects (Greek, Hebrew, Teaching in Christian Higher Education, Soteriology, Introduction to New Testament and Cultural Orientation). Outside class, a Filipino friend and I go to Baylor Fitness about twice a week (DTS students get free access to the world-class facilities of Baylor Fitness through a generous sponsor). As for Aileen and Hannah, they have been busily exploring Swiss Tower, meeting new friends, swimming at the pool and playing with other kids at the playroom.

As we are adjusting to a new life in DTS, we also faced some challenging tests. Hannah got sick with on and off high fever for about a week. Just after getting well, she fell off the chair and got a lump at the back of her head. We brought her to the hospital and the doctor checked her up. She underwent a scan on her head and we thanked God that the result has shown totally no problem worth worrying. Our family realized that we will be facing more trials ahead bundled with blessings!

We thank God for granting us ministry partners like you who continue to uphold us in prayers. We sure do love to hear from you and pray for you as well! As we face all the hustles and bustles of life in our new home, the Lord taught us that He is the most important part of our family. We ought to weave our lives here as a family with Him, as our Heavenly Father, in the center. Truly, our lives are in His hands and may He continue to fulfill His purpose and plans for us that we may each day live solely for His glory and honor!