Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Raising Laborers

“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.’ ” (Matthew 9:37-38)

Seven years (7) ago, specifically May 29, 2002, the Lord opened up doors for a ministry outreach among university students of Metro Manila. The Christian Agape Fellowship (CAFÉ) was born out of a calling from the Lord that a least a thousand students yearly graduate from Christian schools, yet, the sad reality is, less than half of them ends up in a Christian church. The burden turned into conviction that led into establishment of Bible studies in different major universities all over Metro Manila.

Kats Tan was a freshman student of De La Salle University back in May 2002. She joined the CAFÉ DLSU launch and has been consistently attending small groups, youth camps, trainings and other events. Last 2003, CAFÉ church joined the Purpose Driven Life (PDL) Campaign and God has used Kats to organize PDL groups among her classmates and friends. The Lord used this event to impact Kats’ life. Eventually, the Lord led Kats to be baptized through the CAFÉ church last May1, 2005. When she graduated from DLSU last 2006, God has called her to serve Him full-time in ministry. She immediately obeyed God’s call as she entered the International Graduate School of Leadership (IGSL). Last April 2009, Kats graduated from IGSL with the Master of Divinity degree. She has committed herself to serve God full-time in the CAFÉ Ministry as Sunday Worship Ministry overseer and Vice-President of the Earth Shakers Youth Organization.

Sylvette Tan was a freshman student of University of Sto. Tomas last June 2003 when a CAFÉ member called her up, inviting her to join a small group Bible Study in Burger King, just across UST Library. She decided to try it out. She became actively involved in small groups, attended discipleships, trainings and worship services. God used Sylvette as she has been instrumental in bringing many of her friends and classmates to the Lord through the PDL campaign. Last 2005, she was baptized through the CAFÉ Church. About a year after her graduation from UST, God has given her a burden to discover more about who He is. She enrolled at the Christian Faith Hope Love Prayer Institute and Seminary January of 2009 and has just finished two subjects. Currently, Sylvette leads the Wednesday Care Group, which meets at Burger King Welcome. She is also a volunteer staff of the CAFÉ Church and Assistant PRO of the Earth Shakers Youth Organization.

Melody Lim met her former volleyball coach, Pastor Jonathan Lim along the corridors of De La Salle University. She was searching for a church to be part of and God answered her prayers as she began to attend Pastor Jonathan’s Bible Study group. She eventually was baptized through the CAFÉ Church last 2005. God used Mel to bring her “barkada” (or close friendns) to the Lord. Today, Melody is happily married to Pastor Jonathan Lim and both of them are expecting a baby girl by August 2009. In addition, Mel serves as full-time CAFÉ Church Administrator and President of the Earth Shakers Youth Organization.

We praise God for using CAFÉ as a vessel in helping expand His kingdom today among the universities. Pray for us as we celebrate our 7th Year Church Anniversary on May 31, 2009. We will also be witnessing on that day a Baptism Ceremony of new church members. May all glory and honor be given unto the Lord of the harvest who has raised up laborers into His vineyard!