Saturday, March 28, 2009

Too True to be Two

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” (Psalm 118:29)

Two years ago, on the month of March, specifically on the seventh day of the seventh year past the recent millennium, Naomi Hannah was born!

At about 1:16am, a 50 cm, 6.3 lbs baby girl finally came out of a jubilant mom, almost forgetting about 20 hours of hard and intense labor!

Memories of our daughter dear’s birth is still so fresh! It seems to have happened just yesterday!

Yet, it is too good to be true that Hannah is now two years old!

Indeed, time flies … too fast to catch up!

As we celebrate a new chapter in our lives as parents (shocked to know that we already have two full years of experience!!!), please pray that our Heavenly Father grant us more grace, more strength (as we’re realizing that we’re not getting any younger!!!), more wisdom and more patience (some friends are warning us of the impending “terrible two” amongst two year olds)!!!

We don’t know yet what Hannah will become, but she’s bringing us so much joy as we witness (on a day to day basis) new “tricks” that she’s learning! (Hannah loves dogs … and as a young dog, she’s quick to pick up new stuffs!!!).

Here are some of Hannah’s favorites …

Breakfast: EGG

Fruit: Orange

Fast food: Jollibee
(as long as the live mascot does not come out!!!)

Hobby: Merry-go-round or Time Zone!!!

Please help us pray for a time of transition for Hannah. For the record, Hannah is still drinking milk from mama (breastfeeding is good for babies indeed!!!). We plan to wean her and hope she accepts the reality with no placards nor violent reactions!

We appreciate your prayers for our family, even as we transition a new phase in our family life. Lord willing and with full faith, we are trusting the Lord for provision for our trip to Dallas, Texas U.S.A. by June or July of 2009.

The Lord has been good to us as we have received a good news of our preliminary acceptance into the program of Masters of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS).

Our next step is to trust God for provision of scholarship from DTS, which does not include our expenses for food, lodging and other basic needs.

We invite you to prayerfully consider investing in God’s work through my studies at DTS either as a prayer partner or financial supporter. Do let us know as the Lord leads. Once again, thanks from the bottom of our hearts!