Friday, February 27, 2009

CAFE 20/09

"Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead," (Philippians 3:13)

The Christian Agape Fellowship (CAFÉ) kicks off the New Year with ...

Vision 20/09: “Experience Spiritual Breakthroughs”.

In order to achieve this, we aim to corporately attain five (5) major breakthroughs …

Breakthrough #1: “Wrestle against Sin”
(Jan to Feb 2009) Hebrews 12:4

As a church, we had a Prayer Retreat last January 24 to 25 with the intent of experiencing ... “Bondage Breaker” at Christian Development Center at Tagaytay City.

Breakthrough #2: “Walk with God”
(March to April 2009) Proverbs 1:7

The Agape Leadership Institute (ALI) will conduct a whole day seminar on March 22 about “Walk thru the Old Testament”. We will seek to discover how people of the Old Testament walked with God.

Breakthrough #3: “War against Satan”
(May to June 2009) Daniel 6:10

CAFÉ celebrates its 7th Year Anniversary on May 31, 2009 and simultaneously conducts a Baptism Ceremony. The Agape Leadership Institute (ALI) will conduct a whole day seminar on June 14 regarding The 7 Stages of Spiritual Growth (Part 2).

Breakthrough #4: “Win our World”
(July to August 2009) Acts 1:8

CAFÉ will conduct an overnight Missions Outreach on July 25 to 26 and partner with a church in reaching an area for the Lord Jesus Christ. The Agape Leadership Institute (ALI) will conduct a whole day seminar on August 16 tackling ... “Building Spiritual Movements”.

Breakthrough #5: “Wake up Believers”
(Sep to Oct 2009) Nehemiah 13:14

The Agape Leadership Institute (ALI) will conduct a seminar on September 20 regarding “Becoming a Romans 12 Christian”.

Finally, we end the year 2009 as we ...
“Weigh our Breakthroughs”
(Nov to Dec 2009) 2Timothy 2:15

We will celebrate our victories and learn from our defeats for the entire year in our CAFÉ Family Fun from November 28 to 29.

We invite you to join us and together, let us Experience Spiritual Breakthroughs!