Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Four Months of FALL

My FALL has just ended ...

The past four months has been one of the most mentally rigorous and physically straineous moments of my life. Yet, I enjoyed the FALL ... The truth was, I had a very fruitful and rewarding FALL semester at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS)!

A lot of people all over the world have never experienced four seasons. Here in the US, the FALL Season officially kicked off 21st of September. As for DTS, the Fall semester started earlier, to be exact, on the 24th of August. In retrospect, this is my family’s first FALL in the US and we did experienced a lot of FALLS ...

Time FALLS back ...

Starting the 1st of November, we subtracted an hour from our clocks as the daylight saving time officially ended. This means, if during summer, the sun sets at about 8:30pm, this time, it started to get darker outside by 5:45pm.

On November 1st, I was scheduled to pick an uncle in the airport. Thank God I browsed the net before leaving the house, saw the change in US time mode and got confirmation from American friends about the time shift. This was something new for us which we have never experienced back home.

Teaching FALLS back ...

From November 14th to 29th, we had two weeks of school break. The first week of the break was intended as Reading Week. However, since I was not able to spend much time with my family during school days, I decided to bring them to Florida. We celebrated Aileen’s birthday (Nov 17) in Disney World and she got free entrance in Magic Kingdom with Disney’s birthday promo! Hannah also got in for free cause she was less than three years old. Believe it or not, I drove a total of about 2,500 miles (about 4,000 km) with stop overs in Mississipi and Atlanta on the way to Florida and New Orleans on the way back to Dallas! The second week of school break was Thanksgiving Break. We had fun eating our first turkey on Thanksgiving Day (Nov 26).

Temperature FALLS back ...

The temperature during summer in Dallas went up to a high of 110 Fahrenheit (43 C). During this season, it dropped to as low as 0 Celcius. Last 2nd of December, snow started to drizzle down Dallas! We went out during the break time of our morning class and felt snow FALLING down on us! However, as much as we wanted for snow to stay all day, it stopped dropping after only about 1 hour. Some say that it snows in Dallas once in every two years. We were delighted that we saw a glimpse of the snow!

Tests FALL one by one ...

The last three weeks of class from 30th of November up to 18th of December were the toughest in my schedule as I had to finish reading requirements, research papers, book reviews and other major requirements. I had three final exams on separate days that ended on December 17.

The only thing that never FELL ...

As a family, our first FALL in the US has been a very memorable experience! Perhaps, the best news we got during the FALL was the ultrasound result of Aileen that Hannah will be having a baby brother!

Through it all, we were constantly reminded that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8). Indeed, as all else are FALLING, only Jesus Christ never FAILS. His faithfulness is always new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). His love is always deep, wide and high (Ephesians 3:18). He never ceases praying for each one of us non-stop daily (Hebrews 7:25). Truly, Jesus never fails!

As we run the race of the Christian life, let us daily take heed to hear God’s call, “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t FALL!” (1Corinthians 10:12). Perhaps, this is a great season for us to reflect on our relationship with the Christ of Christmas. May we all face a new seaon with a revived intimacy with the Christ of Christmas and a rejuvinated walk with God in the new year 2010!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Joys of Life in Dallas

“… Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)

Seventy Two … that is exactly the number of days our family has been residing in Dallas, Texas (as of end of September)! We are missing home a lot (!) … our family, our church, our friends, our favorite Filipino food … Jo’s Chicken Inato, Kare Kare, Palabok, Zagu … the simpler days and Philippines in general.

Our hearts are broken with the tragic news of the fatal storm “Ondoy” that has transformed Manila into a sea of floating dead bodies. It is disheartening to hear about 250 lives lost and with about 350,000 people displaced and homeless. This is probably one of the worse disasters that have hit Manila in its history!

We are glad our families back home are safe … thankful that our friends in Manila are all intact. Yet, we are a bit concerned and worried as another storm has entered Philippines and that the rainy season is not yet over. May our Lord be merciful upon our nation! May this be a wake-up call among believers that each life counts and each soul needs the direction to the Way, the Truth and the Life! (John 14:6)

In midst of the mourning and sadness in Manila, I face daily my own moments of struggle, as my mind gets twisted left and right with the simultaneous study of Greek and Hebrew languages, plus tons of readings, papers to write, daily quizzes to review and exams to anticipate as a student of Dallas Seminary. The Lord directed my attention to this passage … “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. (James 1:2-4, The Message) God used this passage to turn my mourning into joy. Truly, I count it a great blessing, distinct privilege and tremendous joy to know God and His Word deeper!

Few Sundays ago, my family and I, together with another couple, drove up about 30 miles up north to Frisco, Texas to visit Stonebriar Community Church. We worshiped with about 2,000 other believers and listened intently, with fullness of joy, as Dr. Charles Swindoll expounded on God’s Word. His message was a timely message … “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” (2Timothy 2:15, NASB) It was a great blessing to hear this man of God, who has been used by God globally to proclaim His message of truth to a broken world.

While I am intently focused on studying, Tuesday mornings for Aileen is a joyful time of learning as she attends the women’s Bible study at a nearby church. Wednesday mornings is fun time for her and Hannah as they stroll along towards Luke’s Closet, to get free food, clothes and household items. Wednesday nights is AWANA night for Hannah as she learns God’s Word from Teacher Gloria at Dallas First Baptist Church. On Friday mornings, Aileen enjoys fellowship and Bible Study with her SWING (Seminary Wives in Nurture Group). At weekends, we bring Hannah to swim at Baylor Fitness and joyfully watch her have fun with her floater and swim with other kids in the indoor “kiddie” pool.

Finally, the best is yet to come … Aileen has been tested “positive” … by a pregnancy test kit! Yes, Aileen is dizzy with morning sickness and vomiting a lot and joyfully adjusting and trying to remember her last pregnancy. Pray for Aileen as she is already about 8 weeks pregnant. We are excited that Hannah is soon going to be an “A-chi” (meaning, older sister)!

As we trace back each step that we have taken thus far in our life in Dallas, we hear an echoing out of God’s Word to us, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” (Philippians 4:4) We pray for you that the joy of the Lord likewise abound in your life. Let us celebrate and feast on Him daily and rejoice in the Lord for all the surprises and excitement that He unfolds into our lives!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Home away from Home

"Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household," (Ephesians 2:19)

All throughout our lives on earth, we have always considered Philippines as our country, residence and home. For the past four years of our marriage, our apartment along the busy high-way that leads to the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) has been our place of rest and humble abode.

Few months ago, the Lord surprised and awed us by blessing us with scholarship to study at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS). So, we began preparations to temporarily leave home. This bitter sweet experience has been quite a difficult moment for us as we bid “goodbyes” to family, church and friends.

After a very tiring move out of all our belongings, we rushed to fly out of Manila nearly past the midnight of July 21st, and safely moved in to our new apartment at Swiss Tower, just across the DTS campus. With about barely a month before the DTS Fall Semester began, we had the wonderful opportunity of meeting new friends from all over the world.

This semester at DTS has merged in about 20 new international students and about 200 new students from all over USA. The entire student population at the Dallas campus numbers close to about 1,300 students, inclusive of about 150 international students. Another 500 students are enrolled on-line & in other satellite campuses. Interestingly, DTS graduates are ministering to about 191 countries all over the world. We praise God for leading us to our new home for the next year and a half!

My DTS classes began August 24th as I engaged in about six subjects (Greek, Hebrew, Teaching in Christian Higher Education, Soteriology, Introduction to New Testament and Cultural Orientation). Outside class, a Filipino friend and I go to Baylor Fitness about twice a week (DTS students get free access to the world-class facilities of Baylor Fitness through a generous sponsor). As for Aileen and Hannah, they have been busily exploring Swiss Tower, meeting new friends, swimming at the pool and playing with other kids at the playroom.

As we are adjusting to a new life in DTS, we also faced some challenging tests. Hannah got sick with on and off high fever for about a week. Just after getting well, she fell off the chair and got a lump at the back of her head. We brought her to the hospital and the doctor checked her up. She underwent a scan on her head and we thanked God that the result has shown totally no problem worth worrying. Our family realized that we will be facing more trials ahead bundled with blessings!

We thank God for granting us ministry partners like you who continue to uphold us in prayers. We sure do love to hear from you and pray for you as well! As we face all the hustles and bustles of life in our new home, the Lord taught us that He is the most important part of our family. We ought to weave our lives here as a family with Him, as our Heavenly Father, in the center. Truly, our lives are in His hands and may He continue to fulfill His purpose and plans for us that we may each day live solely for His glory and honor!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Better than Amazing Race

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)

Today, "The Amazing Race" is one of the best watched reality TV shows, all over the world. For our family, we had our own Amazing Race experience. However, our race lasted for about two full years to complete! Listen to our story...

Last June 2007, the Lord blessed me with the opportunity to be a part of the Global Proclamation Academy (GPA), which is a once in a lifetime experience given among selected young pastoral leaders to attend a short-term, in-depth pastoral training. With the initiative of the Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health (RREACH), 26 of us (pastors coming from 26 different countries) attended the 3 weeks intensive training. GPA delegates were blessed with classes taught by top seminary professors from all across the USA (Robert Coleman, Howard Hendricks, Norman Geisler, Charles Ryrie and so much more)! GPA classes were held in the campus of the Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS).

When I returned to the Philippines July of 2007, I felt refreshed with the training and sensed that I had renewed vigor to serve the Lord. I realized that it was about time for me to take further studies (as I finished my Master of Divinity last 1998). After much discussion with my wife, we began praying for God's leading to study in DTS. By September of 2007, I took the step of faith in applying on-line to be a student of DTS. The following year, sometime April of 2008, I received news that DTS has accepted me into the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) program.

However, because I was not given scholarship, my wife and I decided to postpone our plans for further studies by another year. On December 2008, I reapplied for scholarship at DTS. With much prayers, personally and from friends and church mates, and by the grace and goodness of our Heavenly Father, I was granted full scholarship last March 2009, through the International Leaders Scholarship Program (ILSP) of DTS.

Our next step as a family was to apply for US Student Visa. There were two challenges that we faced. First, when we scheduled our Visa Interview at the US Embassy in Manila, our I-20 Forms, papers confirming that I am a student of DTS, was still on its way through air mail. Second, my wife's birth certificate was still on hold by the National Statistics Office. The reason for the delay of release is a bit complicated. My wife was born in Cebu, about 350 miles away from Manila. Aileen's family decided to change their surname when Aileen was growing up. NSO needed the Cebu Judge's letter of finality that her surname has already been changed. As we waited for the Judge's letter from Cebu and also the I-20 forms from DTS, we realized that we needed God's grace once again.

I went to the Quezon City Postal Office about noon time of April 24, 2009. A staff gave me several listings of all the letters that arrived in their office for the past few weeks. I checked out the list one by one, but could not find the letter from DTS. The staff then informed me that if I want, I can go up to the second floor and look for the postman assigned to send letters to my home. I quickly went up and by God's providence, I ran across the mailman who was assigned to our street! He said that he just arrived from sending letters in another area and was about to leave the building to go to our area. I asked if he had a letter for me. He opened up his locker and lo and behold, he handed to me the package containing the I-20 Forms from DTS!

On May 11, two days before our scheduled interview at the US Embassy, Aileen's mom sent the Cebu Judge's letter through their church's pastor's wife, who incidentally was travelling to Manila that day. We met her halfway from the airport amidst heavy rain, got the letter, crossed through flooded areas of Manila and rushed all the way to the National Statistics Office. Praise be to God, by 6pm, Aileen got her Birth Certificate, printed on NSO security paper, which was one of the major requirements asked by the US Embassy.

Finally, on May 13, 2009, my family and I went to the US Embassy in Manila. We prayed and asked for God's grace once again that He would lead us to the right consulate and that He would bless us with US Student Visas for the entire family. As we conversed with the consulate, we praise God for the favor from Him as we were all granted US Student Visas! Lord willing, we intend to leave for Dallas by July 21, 2009 and start a new phase in our life as a family. We invite you to be our Prayer and Ministry Partner as we continue to trust in His grace.

As I look back at what we as a family have gone through to be able to study in DTS, the experience indeed was much better than the game show "The Amazing Race". All throughout our race, as a family, we learned what "trusting in the Lord" means. We also learned what "depending on God in prayer" means. Finally, we learned what "waiting on the Lord to accomplish His work" means! Indeed, this passage from God's Word has become a reality to us as a family, "... He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Raising Laborers

“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.’ ” (Matthew 9:37-38)

Seven years (7) ago, specifically May 29, 2002, the Lord opened up doors for a ministry outreach among university students of Metro Manila. The Christian Agape Fellowship (CAFÉ) was born out of a calling from the Lord that a least a thousand students yearly graduate from Christian schools, yet, the sad reality is, less than half of them ends up in a Christian church. The burden turned into conviction that led into establishment of Bible studies in different major universities all over Metro Manila.

Kats Tan was a freshman student of De La Salle University back in May 2002. She joined the CAFÉ DLSU launch and has been consistently attending small groups, youth camps, trainings and other events. Last 2003, CAFÉ church joined the Purpose Driven Life (PDL) Campaign and God has used Kats to organize PDL groups among her classmates and friends. The Lord used this event to impact Kats’ life. Eventually, the Lord led Kats to be baptized through the CAFÉ church last May1, 2005. When she graduated from DLSU last 2006, God has called her to serve Him full-time in ministry. She immediately obeyed God’s call as she entered the International Graduate School of Leadership (IGSL). Last April 2009, Kats graduated from IGSL with the Master of Divinity degree. She has committed herself to serve God full-time in the CAFÉ Ministry as Sunday Worship Ministry overseer and Vice-President of the Earth Shakers Youth Organization.

Sylvette Tan was a freshman student of University of Sto. Tomas last June 2003 when a CAFÉ member called her up, inviting her to join a small group Bible Study in Burger King, just across UST Library. She decided to try it out. She became actively involved in small groups, attended discipleships, trainings and worship services. God used Sylvette as she has been instrumental in bringing many of her friends and classmates to the Lord through the PDL campaign. Last 2005, she was baptized through the CAFÉ Church. About a year after her graduation from UST, God has given her a burden to discover more about who He is. She enrolled at the Christian Faith Hope Love Prayer Institute and Seminary January of 2009 and has just finished two subjects. Currently, Sylvette leads the Wednesday Care Group, which meets at Burger King Welcome. She is also a volunteer staff of the CAFÉ Church and Assistant PRO of the Earth Shakers Youth Organization.

Melody Lim met her former volleyball coach, Pastor Jonathan Lim along the corridors of De La Salle University. She was searching for a church to be part of and God answered her prayers as she began to attend Pastor Jonathan’s Bible Study group. She eventually was baptized through the CAFÉ Church last 2005. God used Mel to bring her “barkada” (or close friendns) to the Lord. Today, Melody is happily married to Pastor Jonathan Lim and both of them are expecting a baby girl by August 2009. In addition, Mel serves as full-time CAFÉ Church Administrator and President of the Earth Shakers Youth Organization.

We praise God for using CAFÉ as a vessel in helping expand His kingdom today among the universities. Pray for us as we celebrate our 7th Year Church Anniversary on May 31, 2009. We will also be witnessing on that day a Baptism Ceremony of new church members. May all glory and honor be given unto the Lord of the harvest who has raised up laborers into His vineyard!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Too True to be Two

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” (Psalm 118:29)

Two years ago, on the month of March, specifically on the seventh day of the seventh year past the recent millennium, Naomi Hannah was born!

At about 1:16am, a 50 cm, 6.3 lbs baby girl finally came out of a jubilant mom, almost forgetting about 20 hours of hard and intense labor!

Memories of our daughter dear’s birth is still so fresh! It seems to have happened just yesterday!

Yet, it is too good to be true that Hannah is now two years old!

Indeed, time flies … too fast to catch up!

As we celebrate a new chapter in our lives as parents (shocked to know that we already have two full years of experience!!!), please pray that our Heavenly Father grant us more grace, more strength (as we’re realizing that we’re not getting any younger!!!), more wisdom and more patience (some friends are warning us of the impending “terrible two” amongst two year olds)!!!

We don’t know yet what Hannah will become, but she’s bringing us so much joy as we witness (on a day to day basis) new “tricks” that she’s learning! (Hannah loves dogs … and as a young dog, she’s quick to pick up new stuffs!!!).

Here are some of Hannah’s favorites …

Breakfast: EGG

Fruit: Orange

Fast food: Jollibee
(as long as the live mascot does not come out!!!)

Hobby: Merry-go-round or Time Zone!!!

Please help us pray for a time of transition for Hannah. For the record, Hannah is still drinking milk from mama (breastfeeding is good for babies indeed!!!). We plan to wean her and hope she accepts the reality with no placards nor violent reactions!

We appreciate your prayers for our family, even as we transition a new phase in our family life. Lord willing and with full faith, we are trusting the Lord for provision for our trip to Dallas, Texas U.S.A. by June or July of 2009.

The Lord has been good to us as we have received a good news of our preliminary acceptance into the program of Masters of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS).

Our next step is to trust God for provision of scholarship from DTS, which does not include our expenses for food, lodging and other basic needs.

We invite you to prayerfully consider investing in God’s work through my studies at DTS either as a prayer partner or financial supporter. Do let us know as the Lord leads. Once again, thanks from the bottom of our hearts!

Friday, February 27, 2009

CAFE 20/09

"Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead," (Philippians 3:13)

The Christian Agape Fellowship (CAFÉ) kicks off the New Year with ...

Vision 20/09: “Experience Spiritual Breakthroughs”.

In order to achieve this, we aim to corporately attain five (5) major breakthroughs …

Breakthrough #1: “Wrestle against Sin”
(Jan to Feb 2009) Hebrews 12:4

As a church, we had a Prayer Retreat last January 24 to 25 with the intent of experiencing ... “Bondage Breaker” at Christian Development Center at Tagaytay City.

Breakthrough #2: “Walk with God”
(March to April 2009) Proverbs 1:7

The Agape Leadership Institute (ALI) will conduct a whole day seminar on March 22 about “Walk thru the Old Testament”. We will seek to discover how people of the Old Testament walked with God.

Breakthrough #3: “War against Satan”
(May to June 2009) Daniel 6:10

CAFÉ celebrates its 7th Year Anniversary on May 31, 2009 and simultaneously conducts a Baptism Ceremony. The Agape Leadership Institute (ALI) will conduct a whole day seminar on June 14 regarding The 7 Stages of Spiritual Growth (Part 2).

Breakthrough #4: “Win our World”
(July to August 2009) Acts 1:8

CAFÉ will conduct an overnight Missions Outreach on July 25 to 26 and partner with a church in reaching an area for the Lord Jesus Christ. The Agape Leadership Institute (ALI) will conduct a whole day seminar on August 16 tackling ... “Building Spiritual Movements”.

Breakthrough #5: “Wake up Believers”
(Sep to Oct 2009) Nehemiah 13:14

The Agape Leadership Institute (ALI) will conduct a seminar on September 20 regarding “Becoming a Romans 12 Christian”.

Finally, we end the year 2009 as we ...
“Weigh our Breakthroughs”
(Nov to Dec 2009) 2Timothy 2:15

We will celebrate our victories and learn from our defeats for the entire year in our CAFÉ Family Fun from November 28 to 29.

We invite you to join us and together, let us Experience Spiritual Breakthroughs!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Live a Full Life

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

Christian Agape Fellowship and Earth Shakers had a joint Christmas Party in the afternoon of December 21, 2008 at the Max’s Restaurant in Quezon Memorial Circle. The theme of the party was “Living a Full Life” with about fifty-five (55) persons who joined the event.

One participant shared her testimony of how the Lord has guided her that she may be blessed to live a full life. Here’s Ann Charmaine Ting’s testimony ...

“It was November 2007 when my sister got hospitalized that I realized that I became distant from the Lord after I tried to pray to Him to help my sister get better. At that moment, I sincerely prayed to Him to help me get close back to Him. A few days after, on the month of December, a friend messaged me on my messenger and asked me if I would want to come along a Christmas event held by the organization where his classmate is a member.

That was when I got to know the organization Earth Shakers. Even though I was worried about not finishing my thesis on time I attended the event. In the mid of that event, called Bond with Christmas OO7, I then realized that Earth Shakers is a group of youth who wants to reach out to other people, help them in the name of the Lord and expand the Lord’s kingdom. That group was the answer to the prayer I made to the Lord because it was on that event, Bond with Christmas OO7 that I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, felt that my distance from the Lord becoming shorter and was spiritually reborn.

Everything in my life has slowly started to change. I have participated in some of the Earth Shakers’ events: “Talaba Learning Center Drive”, where kids in the Talaba area were taught about the value of being Honest and were given some vitamins, food and books; “Solving the People Puzzle”, wherein we get to know our God-given personalities and explored the value of one another and understand each other; “One with the Little Ones”, the 1st year anniversary celebration of Earth Shakers, wherein kids in the orphanage were given a walk-through of the New Testament, were shared with love and were given food and toys. Through all these events, I have experienced life-changing moments. I got to know that there are people who are serving the Lord without expecting anything in exchange. I get to value myself and understand my personality, and the people around me. I was able to share my time and love with the orphan kids that I have never imagined possible. This is just to show that everything is possible with God.

I was introduced to their church the Christian Agape Fellowship or CAFÉ, and I started attending their Bible study meetings also known as their “Care Group”. Coined as “Care Group” because they not only teach you what God says through the Bible but they are also concern about your welfare, in other words, they care about you.

Through the “Care Group” and Sunday Worships, God let me know and understand His teachings, His personality; of how forgiving He is, of how He can save me and of how everything is possible with Him. Without God’s guidance and blessings, a lot of events in my life would have been impossible to happen. Take for example my thesis and my removal exam. I never thought I would be able to finish my thesis on time or even be able to do it but because of continuous prayer to God to help me about it, He sent people to help me and He gave me wisdom to do it. I would have never presented to God my worries if the people in CAFÉ had not taught me of how strong a sincere prayer is. And as what it is said in Matthew 11:28, “Come all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

I failed my removal exam and was supposed to take the subject once again last summer. I was so disappointed because I had always prayed to Him to let me pass that exam; I felt hatred towards God and thought how unjust He was. But after a few minutes, I prayed to God and said sorry for feeling hatred and prayed to Him that whatever His will is, let it be done.

A few days later, I was given another chance by my professor to pass the subject. I took another exam and finally passed it and graduated. I then learned from one of our Care Group meetings that I should trust God in everything: that whatever happens to me, whether bad or good, is God’s plan. Ever since, I have kept in mind that everything that happens to me is God's will and I have always prayed that whatever His will or plan is, let it happen.

Believe me or not, it was through the talk of Atty. Marc Castrodes on that 1st year anniversary celebration of Earth Shakers that God answered my daily question to Him: Should I undergo another Baptism ceremony even though I was already baptized while I was a baby and even though I am accepting Him as my Lord and Savior. God made me realized that when I was baptized when I was a baby, it was not me who decided for that but my parents.

Being baptized again would be my own formal public declaration of myself accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior and undergoing Baptism while being fully aware of what’s happening is, in my opinion, a fulfilling event. And so on October 26, 2008, I was formally spiritually born again.

Because of all these events in my life with the help of Earth Shakers and CAFÉ, I can say that I am being drawn more and more closely to God, that He is working on me and is shaping me in the way He wants me to be, and that I am now living a fulfilled life. Praise God for sending me these people in Earth Shakers and CAFÉ family!”