Thursday, November 6, 2008

Catalysts: Difference Makers of the 21st Century

“If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” (2Timothy 2:21)

What can a sophomore Journalist Student, a sophomore Bible School Student, a senior Therapy Student and a Call Center Agent do to make a difference in our world today? Well, about a year ago, these four young ladies met with a pastor in Seattle's Best Trinoma and together, they sought God's direction in starting a youth organization with the intent of making a difference among their circle of influence.

By God's help and empowerment, the Earth Shakers youth organization was established.

F.F.F. Camp (Fresh Air, Freeze with Friends & Free of Stress) was launched on October 27-28, 2007 at the Caliraya Re-creation Center with about 40 youths joining. Pastor Jonathan Lim shared his life story how he used to have what the world offered: wealth, women and worldly pleasures. One day, he lost everything, including the life of his brother, who was murdered one evening in his very own internet cafe. He moved from riches to rags and finally encountered Christ personally and found the real meaning and happiness in life.

Bond with Christmas 007 was a unique Christmas Party where about 40 youths were gathered December 8, 2007 in Montgomery Place. Atty. Raineer Chu shared how his organization, the Mission Ministries Philippines is making a difference among the urban poor of Metro Manila through projects like digging of deep wells, forming cooperatives to sell cheap medicines, planting vegetation for livelihood and so much more.

Talaba Learning Center (TLC) Drive was organized March 1, 2008 to help about 60 pre-school kids, who are children of poor fishermen off the coastal area in Cavite. The organization raised funds to provide them school supplies, vitamins and books. A team of about 15 youths presented a play "The Boy who Cried Wolf" with the intent of building the character of honesty among these kids.

The Solving the People Puzzle (SPP) Camp was held April 26-27, 2008 in Rizal Recreation Center. About 30 youths joined the overnight seminar to discover their God-given personalities and interacted to appreciate their personal strengths and weaknesses. They were challenged to open their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, who longed to live in and through them to help them maximize their personality and adjust with other personalities.

The Simple Life (TSL) Montalban Outreach was held last August 30-31, 2008 where about 15 youths lived overnight in a government established resettlement area of poor squatters of Metro Manila. The organization partnered with the Christian Agape Fellowship (CAFÉ) and raised funds for Mission Ministries Philippines' (MMP) deep well project. The organization visited houses and gave packs of rice and shared a message of love and hope through “Evangecube”. The film "Rebound" was shown to the community where about 150 persons came to watch how a true to life story of a drug addict basketball star turned prisoner was transformed through an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. He eventually was released from prison and he dedicated his life to help save some youths in the community who were falling into the same trap that destroyed his life.

One with the Little Ones was the celebration of the Earth Shakers First Year Anniversary last October 18, 2008 with the orphans at the Reception and Study Center for Children (RSCC) in Quezon City. RSCC houses about 70 kids, coming from all over the Philippines. Atty. Marc Castrodes challenged about 50 youths to be a "Difference Makers" in our world today. He spoke about how the life of Joseph and Daniel made a difference in their world and even gave examples of certain Filipinos today who are making a difference in society. The organization also played games with the kids, provided them Jolibee meal and bonded with them. With the help of generous individuals and a church, a brand new washing machine was given to RSCC and packs of rice, milk, vitamins, toys and clothes were given to the kids.

One year passed by so quickly and we rejoice and are amazed beyond words at how the Lord could use ordinary individuals in making a difference in the world today. We eagerly hope that God would continue to bless and expand Earth Shakers in shaking the earth & making a difference for His glory and honor!