Monday, October 13, 2008

One with the Little Ones

"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling.” (Psalm 68:5)

When babies turn one year old, parents invite family, relatives, loved ones, friends and guests to proudly celebrate the wonders of life through their child’s special day!

Last October 26, 2008, Earth Shakers as an organization turned one year old and celebrated its 1st Year Anniversary! What better way to commemorate this momentous event than to be with the underprivileged kids in our society. The Philippine Government’s Department of Social, Welfare and Development (DSWD) established the Reception and Study Center for Children (RSCC) as a half-way house and national center for kids who are orphaned, maltreated, abused, exploited and abandoned. Of the seventy (70) children housed in RSCC, coming from all over the Philippines, twenty (20) of them are babies below six (6) months old. Sooner or later, the hope is for each of these children would be adopted by parents who would commit to love and care for them. In the meantime, RSCC takes care of these kids, with majority of them ranging between 2-6 years old.

About sixty (60) young professionals and college students joined Earth Shakers’ One with the Little Ones at the RSCC (located at the back of SM North EDSA in Quezon City). Atty. Marc Castrodes, MTRCB Vice Chairman and a commissioner of the National Youth Commission challenged the group to become “Catalysts: Difference Makers of the 21st Century”! With the current global financial crisis and with the rock bottom and widespread poverty in our country, the Philippines need a new generation of men and women with character, skills and conviction who will rise up to shake the earth and make a difference!

In Earth Shakers’ fund-raising efforts, hearts were touched and shaken to make a difference to the RSCC kids! One generous sponsor donated funds to purchase a washing machine. A church bought lots of goods for the center … 2 sacks of 50-kg rice, 20 boxes of milk, 12 bottles of vitamin C syrup and 12 bottles of alcohol. Others gave toys, clothes, towels and Jollibee meal for the enjoyment of the children of RSCC!

One day is not enough to permanently change the lives of these kids but one thing is for certain, these kids permanently changed the lives of the Earth Shakers who joined this event. For that, we praise God for using these kids to remind Earth Shakers of the value of family, love, blessings and life!