Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Equipped to Impact!

"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-12)

Who could ever expect a large Manila crowd to attend two full days of seminar on very busy and hectic weekdays from 7am to 5pm?

Last September 4 - 5, 2008 (Thursday & Friday), WorldTeach Ministries Philippines held its first ever Metro Manila wide National Convention, “Equipped to Impact”. Just few days before the event, less than 30 persons have registered. Holding on to God’s Sovereignty and grace, the WorldTeach staffs continued to pray hard, work hard and trust God to work out His perfect will.

Amazingly, 353 delegates attended the first day and 389 delegates attended the second day! (There were delegates who came as far as Cotabato and Cagayan de Oro)! We were awed beyond words at what God has done! Teachers training was held on September 6, 2008 (Saturday) and about 120 delegates attended!

Rev. Gil Balignasay and Rev. Neil Ty co-taught “Walk thru the New Testament” Seminar that was attended by 45 persons. 23 of them came back on Saturday for the teachers training!

The Lord blessed us with powerful plenary speakers:

Dr. Andrew Liuson
“Fulfilling Our Mandate to Equip”

Rev. Jun Escosar
“Living an Impact-Driven Life”

Other break out seminars that were offered are as follows:

Peace and Reconciliation
Dann Pantoja

Teaching by the Book
Dr. Edwin Perona

Becoming a Romans 12 Christian
Rev. Philip Tarroja

Effective Workplace Ministry
BJ Sebastian

Love, Sex & Lasting Relationships
Wawa Ponce

To Have and To Hold
Atty. Winnie & Maloi Salumbides

Effective Parenting in a Defective World
Rev. Clem Guillermo

Walk Thru the Old Testament
Rev. Don Espina & Rev. Philip Tarroja

Two full days has swept by so fast and the impact that God has stamped on each one of us is still beating vibrantly here in our hearts!

Do help us intercede for the 120 persons who were equipped to teach the various courses in their respective churches, organizations and communities. We anticipate that God will empower and use them mightily to impact more people in Metro Manila and beyond!

Truly, God deserves the highest and solitary praise, honor, adoration and glory as He has Equipped us to Impact!