Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Simple Life

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed
me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’"
(Matthew 25:35-36)

Many of us are blessed to be born among families with decent shelter, clean water and enough food on the table for every meal. However, have you ever imagined yourself born to a family living in the poor slums of Manila? What if you were in their shoes? If given a chance, would you like to experience living among the poor?

Earth Shakers (ES) in partnership with Christian Agape Fellowship (CAFÉ) will hold a Missions Outreach entitled "The Simple Life" on August 30-31, 2008 (two days, overnight stay) in Montalban, Rizal. We are gathering about fifteen (15) youth to live among the poor community of Jovil, Montalban. Most of the inhabitants of this garbage dumpsite area are composed of relocated families, who used to live in the slums from all over Metro Manila.

Earth Shakers organized this event in cooperation with Christ's Servants Community Church (CSCC), an urban poor church, planted by Mission Ministries Philippines (MMP). One of the biggest needs of the community is clean, potable water, knowing that there are tons and tons of garbage surrounding them. CSCC is embarking on digging a deep well and installing a water filter that can be used for the community. ES will be partially assisting in raising funds for this project.

The ES and CAFÉ members aim to be of service to CSCC and to the community at large. Some of
the programs the group are planning to be involved in are as follows: feeding program for the
community, prayer walk, house to house visitation, distribution of packages of rice and canned goods, sharing of "Evangecube" (evangelistic tool) house to house, evangelistic film showing of
"Rebound" in the evening among the youth in the community, training their church and youth leaders to follow-up new believers, joining CSCC Sunday Church Worship and distribute
second hand clothing and old but usable stuffs to believers.

ES is raising a total amount of P35,000 for the entire project.

Project Cost Breakdown:
[1] Deep Well & Water Filter Donation, P20k;
[2] Food, Lodging, Electricity, Transportation of Te am, P10k (P670/person);
[3] Donation of Rice & Canned Goods to Community, P5k

We invite you to partner with us by becoming a:
(1) Prayer Partner (Pray for our preparations and the actual event),
(2) Team Member (Join the missions team), &
(3) Sponsoring Partner (Help raise funds or donate any amount God lays in your heart
or donate used clothing and old but usable stuffs).

For any further inquiries and details of the Montalban Missions Outreach Project, please contact Melody Lim (Project Adviser) at +63922-2034649.