Thursday, July 17, 2008

M/V Princess of the Stars

9 So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. (2Corinthians 5:9-10)

Last March 18, 2008, my family (Aileen, Hannah and I) together with our house helper Julie, traveled to Cebu via Sulpicio Line's M/V Princess of the Stars. Our trip to Cebu was a double celebration: Aileen's papa Jotham's birthday and Aileen's grandmother's 80th birthday.

We stayed comfortably in Lilac Suite. It was the first time for my daughter Hannah to ride a ship and with such a huge ship at that! We had to climb up about 50 steps high to be able to reach the entrance to the lobby of the ship. From the lobby, we had to climb up about 10 more steps and walk through about 20 meters to reach our Lilac Suite.

We had a very comfortable ride and were treated very nicely by the crew, staff and guard of the ship. Just one call from our cabin to the receptionist, a staff would come by our room to render services that we needed with a warm smile and quick delivery. We went back to Manila also via the same ship (M/V Princess of the Stars) last March 26, 2008.

We were surprised, shocked and saddened by the news that M/V Princess of the Stars overturned and sank last June 21, `08 when it collided with Typhoon Frank! Satellite has shown that the ship hit the eye of the storm at about 11:30am Saturday morning.

Two days before the ship sank, our helper Julie requested for our permission to allow her to go back to her hometown in Bantayan Island to attend the funeral of her uncle. She was planning to ride Sulpicio's MV Princess of the Stars (in the same trip that sank) but decided not to push through after hearing the amount of the fare (Php 1,400 one way, economy).

According to news, about 850 persons died (including 31 children and 20 infants). In the past few weeks, I have been reflecting on what transpired and have been imagining ... what if the tragedy happened during my family's trip to Cebu? What can I do or what would have I done if I hear the captain announce, "Abandon ship"? How will I protect my family and even myself from this great calamity?

The Lord granted me a few realizations: 1) Life is uncertain and unpredictable, 2) Life without God is meaningless and direction-less, 3) Life beckons us to save souls while we have the opportunity and chance (not just when tragedy strikes), 4) Life is a gift and we will one day return the gift back to God with proper accountability of how we have lived our lives, and 5) Life doesn't end in tragedy or death but continues on with the legacy we leave behind.

As the lyrics of one of my favorite song says,

Only one life

So soon it will pass,

Only what's done

For Christ will last,

Only one chance

To do His will,

So give to Jesus

All your days,

It's the only life that pays,

When you recall...

You have but one life.

May we live each day of our lives as if it were the last. May we live each breath of our lives, in and out of deep love for our Breath-Giver. May we live each moment of our lives, to fulfill our mission on earth and save as many souls into heaven. May we live each of our heartbeats to bring glory and pleasure to the heart of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ!