Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Milestone Year

"Come, follow Me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19)

2008 is a milestone year in my Full-Time service to the Lord. This year marks my tenth (10th) year in ministry after graduation from the International School of Theology (ISOT) - Asia. For the past ten years, I praise God for granting me many opportunities to serve Him in various ministries.

From 1998 to 2001 (3 years), God led me to serve Him through the Foundations for Christian Leadership (FCL) as International Coordinator. FCL is the extension arm of ISOT-Asia, where we provided short-term, non-formal pastoral leadership training for rural pastors with little or no Bible School background all over the Philippines and in some Asian countries (e.g., Myanmar and Nepal).

Simultaneously from 1998 to 2001 (3 years), God guided me to serve Him as Youth Pastor of Quezon City Evangelical Church (QCEC). The Lord opened up doors for some international students of ISOT-Asia (e.g. India, Turkey, Nepal & Myanmar) to help me serve through discipleship ministry among QCEC Youths. Many of the Youths eventually became QCEC church leaders (e.g. deacons, board of trustees).

From 2000 up to the present (8 years), God graciously opened up a way for me to serve Him as Board Treasurer of WorldTeach Ministries Philippines. We have seen how the Lord blessed different cities of the Philippines with Life-Changing seminars.

Last but not the least, from 2002 up to the present (6 years), God led me to serve Him as Senior Pastor of Christian Agape Fellowship (CAFÉ). We started off few years back with evangelism and discipleship ministry among students of different universities (e.g. Ateneo, La Salle, UST, Mapua & UP). Eventually, the Lord led some students to be baptized and became part of the CAFÉ Church. Currently, CAFÉ church members are composed of Young Professionals and some college students.

Last month, the Lord opened up a new avenue for me to get further training. I went through a rigorous application process and praise God, was accepted to be a student of Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) in Dallas, Texas, USA with the degree program Masters of Sacred Theology (STM). As a family, Lord willing, we plan to travel together next year (2009) to pursue this degree for one and a half (1 1/2) year and if the Lord permits, I may continue with Ph. D. in New Testament studies after completion of the STM program for another four (4) years.

We thank the Lord for the opportunity to trust Him anew for the next phase of our ministry and family life. We are excited to see Him work in us through this theological training in DTS Dallas USA next year. Do pray for us that the Lord grant us prayer partners and ministry partners who will invest in us for the further expansion of God's Kingdom. We hope that after the DTS training, the Lord will use us for the next 10~20 years of our ministry life as a family. We invite you to prayerfully consider becoming our prayer partner or ministry partner. Do let us know if the Lord touches your heart.