Thursday, January 17, 2008

Brewing Passion @ CAFE

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."
(Mark 12:30)

Eight months ago, the Christian Agape Fellowship (CAFÉ) celebrated its 5th Year Church Anniversary at the Touch of Glory Prayer Mountain in Antipolo, Rizal. We have not much to celebrate numerically. Yet, we went on our knees and sought for God's hand to be upon us as a church. We recognized that even if we work hard in “planting” seeds of God's Word through evangelism and “watering” God's people through discipleship, it's not enough. Unless God causes the growth, all our efforts amount to nothing.

Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7) From July to September 2007, we took steps of faith in doing witnessing blitz in the UST area. By October 2007, the Lord opened a new door of ministry through the launching of the Earth Shakers organization. Earth Shakers is not a church, nor a fellowship, nor a Christian organization. Instead, Earth Shakers is a Youth Organization, run and led by passionate followers of Jesus Christ with the intent of bridging the gap between the world and the church.

From October to December 2007, the Lord opened up a way for about 50 persons to be exposed to the gospel and about 20 of whom prayed to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. About 10 of them have visited CAFÉ Church and 5 persons are now involved in Care Groups or Discipleship Groups. We praise the Lord for opening a gateway for Earth Shakers to be an instrument for the expansion of His kingdom.

Last December 2007, the CAFÉ Church Council had a leadership retreat and sought for God's vision for 2008 and beyond. We watched together Bill Hybel's "A Vision to Die for" (Global Leadership Summit 2007). The Lord moved our hearts as church leaders to go through the "process" of discovering and embracing together God's vision & mission for CAFÉ. Here is the outcome …

Christian Agape Fellowship ( C A F É )

"Brewing Passionate Disciples of Christ One Person at a Time"

We are a church that produces Passionate Disciples of Christ that together fulfills Christ's Great Commandment and Great Commission.

We, as a Spiritual Family, Commit to ...

1. Pursue Jesus Daily in His Word

2. Pray to Jesus with Full Dependency

3. Please Jesus with Total Obedience

4. Proclaim Jesus Intentionally to Others

5. Persevere for Jesus even in Tough Times

Core Values:

* Our calling is to make Christ's disciples among our circle of influence.

* Our calling is to bring Christ's church into the community.

* Our calling is to raise-up Passionate Disciples in fulfilling Christ's Great Commandment & Great Commission.

* Our calling is to gather our disciples as a family to worship God.

As a church, we continue to depend upon the Lord of the Harvest to open up more doors for His kingdom expansion. Please help us ask Him to open our spiritual eyes to see that the harvest is plentiful. We humbly ask Him to guide us in gathering His harvest and "brew" them one person at a time to be passionate disciples of Christ in fulfillment of His Great Commandment and His Great Commission for His glory and honor!