Monday, November 12, 2007

A House with No Boundaries

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28)

Is there a place where you can find company owners, office staffs, drivers, carpenters, mute workers and house helpers eat together, sleep together under one roof and study God's Word together? You can find this unique place in "Glorious Morning Construction & Industrial Sales" at Aurora Boulevard, Quezon City, Philippines.

Every Tuesday, right after working hours, at about 5:30pm, everyone in the hardware store is encouraged to go to the back side of the compound and enter the house of Mr. & Mrs. Jun Chang for Bible Study. Everyone gathers in the dining area by 5:45pm as we pray over the buffet dinner served by the company. While eating in the living room, everyone watches cable television from a huge wide screen TV. By 6:30pm, right after washing the dishes, everyone gathers in the living room to listen to God's Word.

We start off the Bible Study with an Ice Breaker question, where everyone shares their stories and experiences. Then we proceed to studying God's Word in Tagalog (Filipino language) and discuss together how to make it relevant in our lives. Even some workers who are mute sit with us & ask other workers to write down the Bible passages in a piece of paper while they open up their Bibles to read them. Currently, we're studying the Book of Romans. The Bible study ends by 7:30pm with one of the workers praying to thank God for what was learned that evening.

Last September 2007, we celebrated our second year anniversary as Glorious Morning Bible Study group. For the past two years, as I taught God's Word to these workers, the Lord made me realize: (1) God's Family is open to all people from all walks of life, (2) God's Word still changes lives when faithfully sown in people's hearts, (3) God's Work can be brought into the lost world through our work environment and (4) God's Name can be glorified when we take off social, racial & economic boundaries for the cause of Christ & His gospel.

One day, people from every nation, tribe, people and language will be gathered in God's kingdom worshiping the King of kings and the Lord of lord. May He use each of us today to go into all ethnic people groups and make disciples for Jesus for His glory and honor!